Conductor // American Orchestral Music

Alpharetta Symphony
May 27, 2024
Each May, the Alpharetta Symphony offers a Memorial Day concert that is free and open to the public. This year, we will honor our nation with a slate of patriotic tunes and big band hits that celebrate the most American of music - jazz. Join us for an afternoon in the park. Bring a blanket, some chairs, a picnic, and the whole family to enjoy music by the bandstand!
John Stafford Smith: Star-Spangled BannerBattle Hymn of the RepublicJohann Strauss, Jr.: On the Beautiful Blue DanubeTakosha Swan: The Veteran’s AnthemMorton Gould: American Salute”Duke Ellington!””A Salute to the Big Bands”Moody Blues: Nights in White SatinSalute to the Armed ForcesTchaikovsky: 1812 OvertureJohn Phillip Sousa: Stars and Stripes Forever
Dr. Grant Gilman, conductorT
akosha Swan, vocalist
Alpharetta Symphony